The life story of Ernesto Frederico Scheffel: the figurations of an artist in a social ethos focused on labor

the figurations of an artist in a social ethos focused on labor


  • Quésia Katúscia Gasparetto Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
  • Jean Jeison Führ



autobiography, figuration, settings, ethos social


The present work aims to address the life story of the artist from Rio Grande do Sul Ernesto F. Scheffel (1927-2015), based on his own autobiography entitled: “Scheffel by himself” (2013). The aforementioned “life graph” allows a pedagogical approach to the interrelationships between the Visual Arts, Music, Historical Heritage, Environmentalism and other fields of social activity in which the portrayed character acted during his human existence. The geographic (Brazil / Europe) and historical context (development of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century), experienced by the artist, is emblematic in allowing historical knowledge to be created about a social and political scenario that was in constant cultural effervescence during the situation autobiography. We introduce the present manuscript in theoretical dialogues with Arfuch (2010) and conceptual contributions (figuration / configuration / labor / ethos) anchored in Elias (1994), Arendt (2007), Maingueneau (2008) and other important intellectuals. In the sequence, we list, in a dialogical way, the biographical contributions that the life of Ernesto Frederico Scheffel allows to establish in relation to the concepts and theories introduced, and their connection with possible historical and social didactic approaches arising from such dialogue.


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Author Biographies

Quésia Katúscia Gasparetto, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Master in History from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS); Licensed in
History at Feevale University. Specialist in History Teaching Methodology and
Geography by the International University Center (UNINTER). Historian at the Ernesto Foundation
Frederico Scheffel from the municipality of Novo Hamburgo – RS (2010-2022). Teacher from the Gaucho public education network working at the Antônio Vieira State Elementary School. Email:

Jean Jeison Führ

Mestre licenciado em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS); Sociólogo graduado bacharel em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Especialista pós-graduado em Saúde Pública (AVM Faculdades Integradas). Graduando em Ciências Jurídicas – Direito pela Universidade Feevale. Assessor Administrativo - funcionário público do município de Nova Hartz


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How to Cite

Gasparetto, Q. K., & Jeison Führ, J. (2023). The life story of Ernesto Frederico Scheffel: the figurations of an artist in a social ethos focused on labor: the figurations of an artist in a social ethos focused on labor. Revista Crítica Histórica, 14(28), 199–235.



Dossiê As histórias de vida: pesquisa e ensino de história

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