Vol. 13 No. 18 (2024): EDIÇÃO REGULAR nº 18 - 1ª SEMESTRALIDADE- 2024

					View Vol. 13 No. 18 (2024): EDIÇÃO REGULAR nº 18 - 1ª SEMESTRALIDADE- 2024

The electronic journal "Extensão em Debate/ REXD publishes another of its biannual editions.

Starting with regular edition No. 18/2024, the journal began using another tool made available in the OJS database: abstracts published in a foreign language version.

The editorial team began to strive to ensure that all productions present a version of the presentation summary of the texts published in their editions in the “language – English” tab.

This edition brings a structured collection with 06 articles, 05 experience reports and 01 expanded summary.

In total, there are 12 productions that take results of actions or reflections on subjects related to one of the 08 thematic areas of University Extension beyond the walls of the University.

These are publications of experiences and/or debates about Extension developed both by members of the UFAL Academy and other Brazilian Universities.

We emphasize that the Journal welcomes scientific texts to be published in a continuous format, that is, at any time, authors can submit their manuscripts to the journal's database.

After the editorial process of each production, carried out on the basis of the Magazine, they will be published in one of its regular editions.


                                                                        Have a good read!



                                                                                                                    Maceió (AL), August 2024.


                                        Prof. Dr. Cezar Nonato Bezerra Candeias.

                                    Presidency of the journal's Editorial Board

                                     Vice-Rector of Extension and Culture.


Published: 2024-08-07