The production of teachers' knowledge about gender

study in the Department of Information Sciences of the Federal University of Ceará and in the Library Course of the Federal University of Cariri




gender; teaching production; librarianship-ufc-ufca.


This study aims to investigate the knowledge production of professors from the Department of Information Science at the Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) and Library Science courses at the Universidade Federal Do Cariri UFCA) on the topic of gender. The research will analyze the teachers' Lattes curriculum, seeking information about their bibliographical productions related to the topic. A systematic review of teaching production in each of the institutions will be carried out, followed by a comparative analysis. The study aims to contribute to the advancement of gender studies in the field of Librarianship, identifying gaps and opportunities for the inclusion of this theme in curricula and educational practices, aiming to promote a more conscious, inclusive and informed training of future professionals in the area. It is concluded that academic production on gender in the area, despite the predominance of women, is still limited. This highlights the urgency of integrating this theme more comprehensively into educational curricula and practices.


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Author Biographies

THAUANY DOS SANTOS COSTA, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Mestranda em Biblioteconomia pela Universidade Federal do Cariri, Especialista em Serviço Social e Gestão de Projeto Social pela FAVENI, e Graduada em Serviço social pelo Centro Universitário Dr. Leão Sampaio. 

Jonathas Luiz Carvalho Silva, Universidade Federal do Cariri

Doutor em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, Mestre em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba e Graduado em Biblioteconomia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Professor do Curso de Biblioteconomia e do Mestrado Profissional em Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal do Cariri.


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How to Cite

DOS SANTOS COSTA, T., & Silva, J. L. C. (2024). The production of teachers’ knowledge about gender: study in the Department of Information Sciences of the Federal University of Ceará and in the Library Course of the Federal University of Cariri. Ciência Da Informação Em Revista, 11, e16467.



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