Kulanu Pantherim! A luta por uma r/existência não-sionista a partir da experiência política dos Panteras Negras de Israel
amor revolucionário, cidadania invisível, Panteras Negras de IsraelAbstract
I start from the concepts of “invisible citizenship” and “revolutionary love” to think about the political action of the Israeli Black Panthers in the early 1970s. The aforementioned concepts allow me to understand how these wretched of Zionism managed to recover projects that disruped the Zionist historiography and, consequently, its political and socioeconomic hegemony. From their struggle, the Israeli Black Panthers proposed new imaginaries for a non-Zionist political r/existence and alternative futures to this political-ideological project that took the “permission to narrate” Jewish history, as something homogeneous, since the end of the 19th century.
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