A resistência literária da mulher preta na busca do seu lugar na universidade: análise discursiva da poesia Universo das Saias, de Elizandra Souza
We seek to reflect in this article about the political resistance of black women through literature. In a Brazilian context of socioeconomic and gender fissures, which historically relegates black women to a place of constant attempt at social subjugation – colonial and patriarchal heritages – language/language is a means of fighting segregation and inequality. Access to university is presented to these women as one of the only forms of social mobility and occupation of spaces of power, essentially filled by white men. Mobilizing notions from Michel Pêcheux's discourse analysis, with a materialist bias, we perceive marks in the discursive materiality that point out that the wound of slavery is open and bleeding, but that there is also hope for change from university education. These meaning effects demonstrate a discursive formation that does not fit the ideology of the dominant extreme right when the work was published (and until the moment in power), but, despite this, we perceive in the poetic discourse fragments of this same ideology in some lexical choices, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the ideological in subjection and the maintenance of a (false) transparency of sexist and conservative discourses, interesting to maintain the status quo of the ruling class.