A insolência nos movimentos do social: sentidos interditados na favela do Jacarezinho
Anchored in Materialist Discourse Analysis, the present work analyzes the inscribed insolence in the memorial to the victims of a police operation carried out in the Jacarezinho favela implementation. The Jacarezinho Memorial, a week after its opening, was torn down and reduced to shards by the Civil Police, prohibiting the threat posed by the tension between the meanings reproduced by the current order and the non-meaning. Insolence is understood as a resistance in the social, dialogues with the non-meaning, the unrealized, threatening the administration of existing meanings. By qualifying the current policy in the State of Rio de Janeiro as genocidal and racist, the memorial demonstrates the common criminal violence of the Repressive Apparatus, denounces the police regularly practiced barbarism, and tenses meanings in contradiction to the biological disposal of the black body, resident of the favela.