Uma breve história das retraduções do Auto da Compadecida (1957) de Ariano Suassuna
This article aims to show the historiography of the (re)translations of Auto da Compadecida (1957) into seven languages: Polish, English, Spanish, Dutch, French, German and Italian. I discuss the concept of retranslation, as presented by Kaisa Koskinen and Outi Paloposki (2010a; 2010b; 2015), introduced by Antoine Berman (2017), and recently once again discussed by Vitor Alevato do Amaral in his article “Broadening the notion of retranslation” (2019), in particular. I trace the historiography of Auto da Compadecida (1957), analysing the titles the work was given in the seven foreign literary systems in which it was published, and highlight issues related to the notion of retranslation. The discussion shows that it is appropriate to emphasise the relevance of the concept, which encompasses expanded languages and spaces, according to Berman (2017). It is also important to emphasise Amaral’s (2019) rediscussion, which redirects and points out the potential polyglotism and intertextuality as the main characteristics of retranslation. The results show that there is a similarity between some of the titles, which anticipate the end of the story: both the judgement of the rogue and the game of mercy.
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