Frequency of access to information sources in the Brazilian scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic
information search, Information search; Information sources; COVID-19., COVID-19.Abstract
This paper presents the results of a study on the frequency of access to information sources in the Brazilian scenario during the COVID-19 pandemic from March to July 2021. This is a descriptive study of a quantitative nature. Data was collected through an online questionnaire sent via an Internet link to Brazilian individuals who used social media and networks during the pandemic. The questionnaire was sent via email, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. To examine the data obtained from the questionnaire, descriptive statistics were used to analyze the mean of the variables and chi-square tests (x2) to analyze the differences between the proportions. The responses from the 2,785 participants showed that digital social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.) and television channels were the most frequently accessed sources of information on a daily basis. In order of frequency of access, we will follow personal sources (friends and/or colleagues and family); newspapers and/or magazines; Internet search engines; Universities; World Health Organization (WHO); scientific articles; Brazilian Ministry of Health; radio stations; National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA); hospitals and health centers. In an emergency and unusual scenario such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the results showed that the interviewees used digital social networks and television channels on a daily basis as sources of information about COVID-19.
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