
  • Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo UFRRJ/Professora Adjunta




Mulheres, Literatura de Cordel, São Paulo


The stories and memories about the participation of women in the production of cordel literature in Brazil have emerged over the years, characteristics that mark silencing and especially shy actions in its publication, especially taking into account the male intricacies of production and dissemination of leaflets in the corners of the country, in clearly defined situations of a patriarchal and prejudiced society, which saw in women only a form of accompaniment and not the protagonism of know-how. For several centuries, the creation and dissemination of ways of expressing the cordel, had the male figure, the recognized protagonism and, in a way, also its continuity. Until the middle of the 20th century, women were not responsible for making or distributing the media, at least in the media where this popular knowledge in the country has been documented. When noticing women emerging in the 21st century in cordel literature, the need to reflect and uncover this knowledge came to the fore, as well as to understand how women have been part of this construction of the culture of a good that has become the country's intangible heritage. By bringing in this article the stories of three women from the universe of cordel in São Paulo, we seek to refer to a role and a relevant relationship for the process of social construction of cordel in the scope of gender, forming new perspectives and new perspectives of production and distribution in the artistic milieu of Paulicéia. As methodological contributions, the theme of women in bibliographic production is reviewed and, through Oral History, it brings relevant aspects of doing in contemporary times, thus revealing a new production scenario, now female for this heritage production in the country.


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Author Biography

Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo, UFRRJ/Professora Adjunta

Professora do Departamento de Administração e Tuirsmo

Doutora em História PUCSP


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DE LAZZARI, Benedita. Entrevista concedida a Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo em 22 de ago. de 2018, na Praça da República em São Paulo.

FRAGA, Marcelo. Entrevista concedida a Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo em 25 ago. 2017, na Praça da República, em São Paulo.

QUEIROZ, Telma. Entrevista concedida a Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo em 05 de nov. de 2022. Em sua residência na Zona Sul de São Paulo.

SANTO, Cleusa. Entrevista concedida a Elis Regina Barbosa Angelo em 22 de ago. de 2018, na Praça da República em São Paulo.



How to Cite

Barbosa Angelo, E. R. (2023). WOMEN, MEMORIES AND HISTORIES: CORDEL LITERATURE COLLECTIONS AND ITS VIRTUAL CONSERVATION PROCESS. Revista Crítica Histórica, 14(28), 84–105. https://doi.org/10.28998/rchv14n28.2023.0006



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