“O que o inglês representa na sua vida?”: reflexões situadas sobre crenças de aprendizes de inglês de uma classe multisseriada
This research investigates the beliefs of students of a multigrade class, located in Goiânia-Go, in relation to the way they learn, see and experience the English language inside and outside the classroom. In the first part of the article, the theoretical concepts of beliefs (BARCELOS, 2001, 2004, 2006; PINCOWSCA, 2011; SHEIFER, 2011; SILVA, 2011) and narrative (CONNELLY, CLANDININ, 1990; MELLO, 2010; PAIVA, 2008) that guided the research are addressed. Next, the methodology adopted in the research and the empirical material analysis procedures are presented. Finally, some considerations are presented in order to point out the most relevant research findings and to encourage language teachers to investigate the role of beliefs in the English language learning process drawing on the students’ narratives.