À Luz de Jorge de Lima: uma Releitura do Poema “Remissão”


  • Cleber Ranieri Ribas de Almeida UFPI/Professor Associado




In this article i will be compare the poem “Remissão” (1950), by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, with sonnet 18, from Livro de Sonetos (1949), by Jorge de Lima. The main similarity between the two poems is in the reiteration of the slug metaphor, an image that Drummond extracted from this poem by Jorge de Lima, but whose ultimate meaning goes back to Psalm 58:9, by David. My purpose, therefore, is to collate seven passages in which the two poems present similar lines, images and metaphors. After this comparison, I will try to prove that the desecration of the poetic monument, treated as a perishable thing by Drummond, in “Remissão”, is actually a Camusian response by the poet to the mystical theses of sonnet 18, by Jorge de Lima.



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How to Cite

RIBAS DE ALMEIDA, Cleber Ranieri. À Luz de Jorge de Lima: uma Releitura do Poema “Remissão”. Revista Leitura, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 74, p. 130–143, 2022. DOI: 10.28998/2317-9945.202274.130-143. Disponível em: https://seer.ufal.br/index.php/revistaleitura/article/view/13527. Acesso em: 17 sep. 2024.