A Braskem passou por aqui. Discurso, poder e práticas de resistência à megamineração em Alagoas
In line with the theoretical and analytical frameworks of Discourse Analysis (DA), conceived by Michel Pêcheux and Eni Orlandi, this work aims to produce a gesture of interpretation of the discourse present in the documentary Braskem has passed through here, directed by Carlos Pronzato. Taking as a reference the discursive disputes caused by the socio-environmental crime of the mining company Braskem in the city of Maceió, made public in 2018, our analyzes place the discourse of the documentary Braskem has passed through here as a discourse of a polemical-political nature. In this type of discourse, polysemy is controlled, the referent is disputed by the interlocutors, and they remain in presence, in a tense relationship of dispute over the meanings (ORLANDI, 2020). As a result, our interpretation gestures recognize in the discourse of the documentary Braskem has passed through here the exercise of resistance, in the face of the meanings put into circulation by Braskem, especially through the major local press vehicles, related to its mining activities in city of Maceio.