Exploring the dialog between ethnographic research and applied linguistics: language dynamics in the educational context
This article presents discussions about ethnographic research methodology for applied language studies. It points out the growing interest of researchers in this methodology, as well as the need to understand the multiplicity of nomenclatures and meanings used in the area. Thus, it analyzes how studies that use ethnography as a methodological basis are carried out, as well as the instruments used to carry out the research. This is a bibliographical study with a qualitative interpretivist approach. The corpus consists of ten scientific articles published between 2017-2022 in the journal Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada from the State University of Campinas. To analyze the data, we used the studies of Lüdke and André (1986), Wielewicki (2001), André (1995), Damianovic (2005), Mello (2019) as a theoretical contribution.
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