A importância da reescrita constante em artigos de opinião produzidos por universitários
This article aims to analyze excerpts of rewriting based on the production of opinion articles written by beginner undergraduates and corrected by two teachers in training from a degree course in Portuguese and English Languages and Literature at University XXXX, Campus XX, from a university extension project, coordinated by course teachers. The analysis parts on the assumption that language is social in nature and language statements have a speaker and an interlocutor and that the repairs made in a text are in favor of convincing them, in addition to having the objective of facilitating understanding during reading. To this end, discussions are anchored in Vigotski (1996, 2001, 2002), Bakhtin (1997), Marcuschi (2008), Koch and Elias (2014), among others. Data analysis allowed us to observe that, in the rewriting, more formal notes, such as grammatical corrections, led to other semantic changes, even without a remark for that purpose. But, according to the data, notes on the content (critical questions from the teachers) generate a reflective effect on the students. This has only become possible due to the opportunity to rewrite and to the notes made during the correction of the texts, which highlighted interesting points to be considered by the textual production teachers.
Keywords: Textual production. Rewriting. Opinion article
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