Habitar o comum: poesia, corpo e rito em Rollo de Resende
We propose an approach to the poetic production of Rollo de Resende (1965-1995) through the anthological structure of Espáduas (2022) and a critical-theoretical dialogue that places him in the Brazilian literary scene – Nunes (1991), Moraes (2008) –, and makes it possible to examine aspects of the author’s poetic procedure – Bataille (2014) e Glusberg (2013). We will investigate types of community participation – creative, social, or affective – of the man and the literature. This process of establishing vital bonds in a historical present haunted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic will be motivated by corporeality, the ritual exercise of everyday life, and by a continuous decentering of the individuated subject. The result will be poetry established between opposite poles, making the idea of existential positivity more complex. In the metalinguistic scope – equally essential in the poet – we will frame the literature as a habitable place between two extremes: poetry as an instrument of revelation or, on the other side, limited to restricted communication if compared to other human relational experiences.
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