As contribuições semânticas e pragmáticas do diminutivo na predicação secundária


  • Andrea Knopfle UFPR



This work investigates the contribution of the diminutive (in object-oriented predicative adjectives) to a resultative reading, as in: [Carlos ralou a cenoura fininha] (CARLOS GRATED THE CARROT THINdiminutive); ‘Carlos grated the carrot, and the result of this action was that the carrot became thin). The absence of inflection reveals a contrast: [Carlos ralou a cenoura fina], in which the most prominent reading is the attributive one (accusative DP and adjective are within the same constituent). Thus, this work aims to investigate the phenomenon from a semantic-pragmatic perspective, since the diminutive in the constructions does not occur in its default or strictly compositional meaning. On the other hand, the meaning is also not arbitrary, but rather brings (generally) a resultative reading. The independent evidence to analyze this use of the diminutive in semantic/pragmatic terms is supported by Pires de Oliveira and Basso (2014), who analyze certain unconventional uses of the diminutive in BP. The present research then extends the tests proposed in Pires de Oliveira and Basso to secondary predication. The result seems to indicate some characteristics of the constructions that bring those closer to conventional implicatures in terms of the meaning inferred (‘triggered’) by the presence of the diminutive inflection.


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How to Cite

KNOPFLE, Andrea. As contribuições semânticas e pragmáticas do diminutivo na predicação secundária. Revista Leitura, [S. l.], n. 82, p. 261–279, 2024. DOI: 10.28998/2317-9945.202482.261-279. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.