Da literatura de informação à literatura de reflexão: uma análise comparativade "O Búfalo", de Clarice Lispector, e "Legacy", de Danielle Steel
This article aims to perform a comparative analysis between the novel Legacy (2010), by American writer Danielle Steel, with one of the short stories of the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, whose title is “O búfalo”, published in the collection Laços de família (1960). We want to distinguish them as literature of information and literature of reflection and highlight aspects concerning the reading provided by both forms. The motivation for this is the similarity that both narratives present – nonetheless their different contexts of publication and length –, as we demonstrated in the analysis, by portraying two female characters going through love conflicts that stigmatize them as members of the fragile sex. The results show that because they diverge in the way they express this theme, they complement each other by virtue of the formation as a whole of the individual who appropriates them as an object of reflection and information.
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