Recursos semióticos e linguísticos para o processo de construção de sentido: uma análise de tirinhas em Inglês do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio
Comic strips can be recognized by their use of visual resources that require in-depth reading (Brasil, 2006). Inserted in the field of Multimodality (Kress, 2010), the elements of production of the Visual Design of comic strips proposed by McCloud (1994) and Serafini (2014) underlie this work whose aim is to present the results obtained in the analysis of 2 comic strips in English used in the National High School Exam in the years 2017 and 2022. Based on the categories presented by McCloud (1994) and Serafini (2014) for the types of frame transition and combination of words and images, I analysed the 2 comic strips with the purpose of verifying how the semiotic and linguistic resources relate to the process of making readers' meanings. The results of this analysis showed the use of different types of comic transition: (a) action by action and (b) subject by subject. In addition, different combinations of images and words were used: (a) additive, (b) interdependent and (c) parallel. These results show that the comic strips used in the Exam – over the two years in question – demanded different skills from the readers to their meaning making process.
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