Refletindo sobre metodologias do ensino de Língua Portuguesa em Penedo - AL: um estudo em escolas públicas e privadas
The main objective of this research is to reflect on the teaching methodologies of Portuguese Language (PL) in the city of Penedo - AL, based on an investigation in public and private schools about what teachers in this city think and believe. To this end, it adopts a qualitative approach methodology (Flick, 2009; Bortoni-Ricardo, 2008), with an interventionist approach. The corpus of analysis is formed by the answers given by teachers to three questions, including objective and discursive questions. In addition, the work is theoretically based on authors such as Antunes (2007; 2014), Bortoni-Ricardo (2005), Franchi (1991) and Geraldi (1984), who present relevant considerations and discuss the teaching of PL in Brazil. , present the triad of textual, grammatical and linguistic analysis, as well as point out the main challenges in the field of teaching. As a result, the responses to the questionnaires from teachers in both the public and private schools are similar in terms of the use of contextualized methodologies, that is, those that focus on the text, and traditional and contextualized methodologies in a single block. This reveals, therefore, that the two networks (in)directly share some attitudes and what we believe in relation to the teaching of PL in the riverside municipality.
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