Não-binariedade de gênero e marcação de gênero neutro de acordo com a mídia jornalística: a construção de sentido em diálogo com as noções de crença e preconceito linguístico
The main purpose of this research is to investigate how is addressed in the media the use of gender-neutral markings, considering the vowel -e and the change of pronouns to refer to a third gender. To this end, a journalistic article reported in 2019 by the news program Café com Jornal, from Rede Bandeirantes, was selected for analysis, which addresses the singular they inclusion in the Merriam-Webster dictionary and covers alternatives for gender neutralization in Portuguese. The studies of Patrick Charaudeau (2013) are taken as a theoretical basis, regarding the processes of construction of meaning, in dialogue with Marcos Bagno (1999) about what is understood by linguistic prejudice, considering, additionally, discursive nature aspects, especially coming from the Dialogic Theory of Discourse. From the analysis conducted, it is clear that the process of transformation of the reported fact occurs with the support of knowledge associated with beliefs, which involve an idealized notion of language. It is considered that the analyzed processes of construction of meaning are likely to have an effect of truth on the viewer, which can contribute to the dissemination of ideological positions that encourage prejudice and discrimination towards people with non-binary identities.
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