A location's potential for cultural and creative offer and its contribution to tourism: an evaluation method


  • Mrs. Corá Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS
  • Ms. César Federal Institute of São Paulo - Campos do Jordão unit




Cultural and Creative offer, Creative tourism, Cities, Method, Practical-Theoretical Model.


In a contemporary context in which more than half of the population is urban, cities are taking center stage and are challenged to (re)discover new resources in order to meet the different demands of society. In this context, the cultural and creative offer comes to be understood as a strategic resource in the economic and, through the cultural and creative industries and creative tourism, generates positive externalities that promote local sustainable development. This highlights the need to identify and value practices that use culture and creativity to add value to the city and contribute to its sustainability. Based on this understanding, the aim of this study is to develop a method for understanding a location's potential for offering cultural and creative activities (CCAs), including goods and services, with an emphasis on creative tourism. To this end, the study is based on the Weberian comprehensive method, which proposes the construction of an Ideal Type model bringing together all the particularities found in phenomena of the same nature, thus obtaining an abstract and utopian model, whose main objective is to establish a confrontation with the reality observed empirically. In this way, the qualitative, exploratory type of research adopted a theoretical review as its methodological procedure, followed by a content analysis of 16 applied studies, which enabled the key aspects necessary for the construction of the instrument to be listed. The result was a Practical-Theoretical Model (PTM) consisting of six Dimensions (Human, Economic, Social, Cultural, Governance and Instrumental); 16 categories of analysis (Talent, Production, Education, Identity and Belonging, Culture, History and Memory, Resilience, Relational, Collective Intelligence and Public Management, Environment, Technologies, Infrastructure and Resources, Digital Economy, Employment and Income and Development), based on which the indicators and variables for evaluating the locality in terms of CCAs and their relationship with tourism were listed.


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Author Biographies

Mrs. Corá, Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS

PhD in Tourism and Hospitality from the Graduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Caxias do Sul (2021); Master's in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2002); MBA in University Management (UCS- 2014); Specialization in Economic Business Planning from the University of Caxias do Sul (1998); Degree in Economic Sciences from the University of Caxias do Sul (1992), Degree in History from the University of Caxias do Sul (1986). She is currently a professor in the Graduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality at UCS (PPGTURH-UCS) and professor and coordinator of the Economics Course at the University of Caxias do Sul. She has experience in Economics, with an emphasis on Economic History and the History of Economic Thought; Business Economics, Creative Economics and Creative Tourism. He teaches Industrial Organization, Business Economics, General Economic History and Evolution of Economic Thought. Costs and price formation, Business Planning. He works in postgraduate programs in the areas of Management and Pricing Strategies, Business Economics and Macroeconomic Trends, Tourism and Economics. He is a member of the research groups Núcleo de Estudos Urbanos and Núcleo de Estudos Migratórios. She is a member of the working group for the Corede Serra Diagnosis 2015-2030. Coordinates the Financial Education Project in High Schools; coordinates the Hortênsias Region Database Project. Areas of interest: Economy and Cities, Creative Economy, Cultural and Creative Tourism, Creative Cities, Economic Development and Financial Education.

Ms. César, Federal Institute of São Paulo - Campos do Jordão unit

PhD in Geography from the University of São Paulo (2007), with a post-doctoral internship in History (UCS), Architect and Urban Planner from the University of Taubaté (1989), Master in Planning and Management in Environmental Tourism and Culture from the Iberoamerican University Center (2002) and specialist in Tourism Planning and Marketing (SENAC-SP, 2000). Adjunct Professor III in the Social Sciences and Arts and Architecture Knowledge Areas and Permanent Professor and Coordinator of the Masters and Doctorate in Tourism and Hospitality at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS). Visiting Professor at the Master's Programme in Management and Regional Development at the University of Taubaté (UNITAU), the Centre for Research into Spaces and Organizations at the University of the Algarve (CIEO-UAlg) and the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. He is the author of numerous publications, including the Ministry of Tourism's Tourism Education material, the book Tourism and Sustainable Planning by Educs and, currently, publications at the University of the Algarve, the University of Minho and the University of Coimbra. He is co-editor of the Rosa dos Ventos magazine, leader of the CNPq Group in Urban Studies and the Center for Innovation and Development in Culture, Art and Heritage at UCS and a CNPq productivity professor. He has experience and research in Tourism, Arts, Hospitality and Architecture and Urbanism, with an emphasis on Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, Cultural Heritage, Cultural Tourism and Wine Tourism.


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How to Cite

Corá, J. M., & de Alcântara Bittencourt César, P. (2024). A location’s potential for cultural and creative offer and its contribution to tourism: an evaluation method. RITUR - Revista Iberoamericana De Turismo, 14(2), 105–133. https://doi.org/10.28998/ritur.V14.N2.A2024.pp105-133.18325

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