Training, practices and knowledge

constitution of teaching identity in the chemistry course at UNILAB/Ceará




Training, Practices and Knowledge, Teacher Identity


The article deals with the experience developed in the subject of Educational Practices III, of the Degree in Chemistry at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia - Unilab. In this curricular component, the initial training of teachers is approached from practices and educational knowledge interrelated to the social, political, historical and cultural specificities present in the contexts of existence of the subjects. This study aims to understand the limits and possibilities of the theoretical and methodological basis present in the subject of Educational Practices III and its contributions in the formation and construction of the identity of students of Chemistry at Unilab. This is a qualitative approach research (MINAYO, 2014) valuing the worldviews and beliefs of the subjects who participated in it and descriptive (GIL, 2008) that will present the phenomena investigated, whose strategies of approximation to the reality adopted were participant observation, questionnaire and document analysis. The results of applied activities and document analysis point to the importance of developing the autonomy of professionals in relation to theoretical and methodological choices; the constant questioning of the educational context; dialogicity as a theoretical and methodological basis for the development of the discipline as a way of confronting historical and cultural processes marked by coloniality. As for the evaluative questionnaire, we understand that the theoretical and methodological basis present in the subject of Educational Practice III, contributes to the formation and construction of students' identity through applied activities, whose motto appropriates the knowledge of experience as an instrument of construction of teaching professionalism, consolidating the theory and practical-reflective, these constituents of an alleged liberating praxis in a future teaching activity.


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How to Cite

COSTA, Elisangela André da Silva; FREITAS, Bruno Miranda de; SILVA, Maria do Socorro Lopes da. Training, practices and knowledge: constitution of teaching identity in the chemistry course at UNILAB/Ceará. Debates em Educação, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 38, p. e14146, 2024. DOI: 10.28998/2175-6600.2023v16n38pe14146. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.




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