The interrelations between BNCC and CRUA and its implications in the subject of religious education in Acre

the negligence of the human component


  • Joelma Ferreira Franzini Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac)
  • Tânia Mara Rezende Machado Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac)
  • Grace Gotelip Cabral Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac)



National Common Curricular Base-BNCC, Acre-CRUA Unique Reference Curriculum, Discipline of Religious Education-ER, Teaching by skills and abilities


This work is the result of an activity proposal for the discipline Organization of Pedagogical Work at School, of the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Acre (PPGE/UFAC). It aims to reflect on the detachment of the Discipline of Religious Education (RE) from the religiosity and culture inherent to the state of Acre, having as a background the Curriculum de Referência Único do Acre (CRUA) and the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). This is a bibliographical and documental study that reveals explicit similarities and implicit concepts between the BNCC and the CRUA, with regard to the ER. The final considerations point out that the CRUA is very similar to the BNCC, and both laws present difficulties and gaps in meeting regional religious and cultural issues, neglecting human subjectivity.


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Author Biographies

Tânia Mara Rezende Machado , Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac)

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Acre (1993), Master in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2002), Ph. do Paraná with research on Initial Training Curriculum for Teachers from fields, waters and forests in the Amazon. Participates in the Group of Studies and Research in Education in the Field - Nupecamp, makes up the Editorial Board of the Revista de Letras e Humanidades Muiraquitã based at UFAC and makes up the board of directors of Anpuh Acre as the first secretary. She is an associate professor 3 at the Federal University of Acre, permanent professor of the Academic Master's Degree in Education at UFAC and the Professional Master's Degree in History Teaching at the same institution. He has experience in the area of ​​Education, with emphasis on Curriculum and History Teaching.

Grace Gotelip Cabral, Universidade Federal do Acre (Ufac)

Holds a PhD in Education from the Federal University of Minas Gerais - UFMG, in the line of Public Policies: design, implementation and evaluation (2010), Master's in Education from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ in Curriculum and Teaching Practices - (2003) , Degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Acre - UFAC (1995). Completed research in Post-Doctoral Internship in the Graduate Program of the Catholic University of Santos, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Selma Garrido Pimenta (2020), addressing Teacher Training in University Teaching. She is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Acre on an Exclusive Dedication basis. Acts as a teacher linked to the Center for Education, Letters and Arts (CELA); She holds the position of Director of Support for Teaching Development - UFAC/PROGRAD, was Director of the Center for Education, Letters and Arts (2012-2015), Director of Research at PROPEG (2015-2016), Coordinator of the Institutional Program for Initiation to Teaching - PIBID, in the Subproject of the Pedagogy Course (2014-2018) and also acted as Pedagogical Coordinator of the Center for Internalization of Distance Education - NIEAD (2018). He has experience in teaching and management in Basic Education schools (1988-2003). At graduation, he teaches Didactics, Teaching Geography in Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Elementary School I and II, Investigation and Pedagogical Practice, Research Methodology in Education and Guides Course Completion Works - TCC. and scientific initiation. In Post-Graduation, he works in Lato Sensu Specialization courses with the disciplines: Theories of Education; Theoretical Assumptions of School Management; Didactics of Higher Education; Scientific Work Methodology; Learning Assessment and Higher Education Assessment in Brazil. He is a member of GEPPEAC/UFAC - Study and Research Group on Educational Policy, School Management, Work and Teacher Training, of the Study and Research Group on University Teaching/UCSANTOS. He teaches at PPGE/UFAC in line 2 - Teacher training and works on the following topics: Initial and continuing teacher training; University teaching; Pedagogical theories and practices; working conditions and teacher illness in secondary and higher education. Develops research on didactic-pedagogical training in university teaching. It is an associate member of ANPED and ANDIPE.


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How to Cite

FRANZINI, Joelma Ferreira; Machado Tânia Mara Rezende; CABRAL, Grace Gotelip. The interrelations between BNCC and CRUA and its implications in the subject of religious education in Acre: the negligence of the human component. Debates em Educação, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 37, p. e15113, 2023. DOI: 10.28998/2175-6600.2023v15n37pe15113. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.



Dossiê Temático - Formação Docente: Políticas e Práticas sob a perspectiva Human

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