Reading as an event of meaning
This article brings a reflection on reading as experience of meaning, what happens to the subject, according to the understanding of the Spanish Larossa Bondía, teacher at the Faculty of Barcelona and postdoctoral fellow at the London Institute of Education, who thinks about reading from the point of view of from a different perspective from the one in which it was historically forged, under the expectations of the hegemonic classes, which determine the desired effects for this activity. In turn, these expectations disregard the historicity of many subjects, especially those whose readings deviate from established standards. The objective of this essay, built from a bibliographic review of the narrative type, is, in the light of the concept and principles of the experience, to rescue the legitimacy of certain "effects" of reading, because, even though the reader's historicity in the construction of the text's meaning, it is still thought through instrumental reason and hegemonic patterns consolidated by different agencies.