Inventário do azul (2022): romance de João Anzanello Carrascoza
Review. Inventário do azul. João Anzanello CarrascozaAbstract
The text aims to present the novel Inventário do azul (2022), which brings daily life experiences under the keen eye of João Anzanello Carrascoza. This book brings together a delicate story, which deals with painful experience, discoveries and learning of human beings. Inventário do azul is a milestone in the work of João Anzanello Carrascoza, because, through gentle memories, expositions of usual moments and assumptions about development and maturation, he invites the reader to look at the world and at himself with special attention, in order to appreciate every moment and every detail, and to accept the impermanence of life.
CARRASCOZA, João Anzanello. Inventário do azul. Rio de Janeiro: Alfaguara, 2022.
CHEVALIER, Jean; GHEERBRANT, Alain. Dicionário de Símbolos: mitos, sonhos, costumes, gestos, formas, figuras, cores, números. Tradução de Vera da Costa e Silva et al. 15 ed. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 2000.