O erotismo feminino de “Miss Algrave” nas suas traduções para o inglês
Clarice Lispector, “Miss Algrave”, Erotismo feminino, Tradução, ConfrontaçãoAbstract
This article aims to analyse English translations of female eroticism in Clarice Lispector’s short story “Miss Algrave”. The translations to be analysed are those of Alexis Levitin (1989) and Katrina Dodson (2018). The theoretical framework used in this article is Antoine Berman’s method in Pour une critique des traductions: John Donne (1995), specifically “Confrontation”. Given the picture drawn in the analysis, we believe that the task of confronting the translations proved productive and enriching. Both translations generally maintained the feminine eroticism of “Miss Algrave” and both contributed to the growing flow of translations of Clarice Lispector into a wide variety of languages and cultures.
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