A escrita gaguejante e performática em "Manchas na pele, linguagem", de Nuno Ramos
Nuno Ramos, Manchas na pele linguagem, Language-matter, Stuttering, PerformanceAbstract
The fragment "Manchas na pele, linguagem", which opens the text Ó (2008) by writer and artist Nuno Ramos, is inscribed in a clash between word and matter. The aim of this article is to discuss the notions of the limits of language and saying in this fragment, as well as to reflect on the construction of a performative language-matter pointed out and woven by the narrator of Nuno Ramos' work. It is argued here that "Manchas na pele, linguagem", in seeking to know the origin of the word, sheds light on its mimetic incapacity. It should be added that this insufficiency of language to signify makes the narrator stage language, rather than just use it for pragmatic communication. In this sense, there is, in this first fragment of the work, matter-language in a performance situation. To reflect on these problematizations, we will use Deleuze's (2011) assumptions about the fracture in ordinary language to mobilize a stuttering language, and Zumthor's (2005) studies on performance. Here we see a text that proposes fractured writing, mobilizing a creative stuttering. It is in these gaps that performance, as a living action, needs to take space in order to materialize the materiality of language in the body.
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