The ethical dimension of the curriculum

what do we learn from the old people?




Curriculum, Paidéia, Phronesis


This article aims to rescue classical notions of ancient philosophy in the field of curriculum. Among these notions we highlight the concepts of: ethics, community, humanism and nature. Thus, we consider that such notions only make sense when thought of the ideal of Greek Paidéia (JAEGER,1994). For this reason, we recover passages from Plato’s Republic and of the Aristotle’s Ethics. Through these passages, using a comparative analysis, we understand the difference between the know-how of the first in detriment to the know-how of the second. In this sense, ethics, with Aristotle, receives a pedagogical component, the intellectual virtue known as phronesis (prudence). Thus, with prudence and clarity of the political ethical condition, we can overcome contemporary moralization.


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Author Biography

Deniz Alcione Nicolay, Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul

Licenciado em Pedagogia pela Universidade Feevale. Mestre e doutor em educação pela UFRGS. Pós-doutor pela DEC/UFRGS. Professor da área de Fundamentos da Educação na UFFS. Professor permanente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências-PPGEC/UFFS. Líder do Gphilía.


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How to Cite

NICOLAY, Deniz Alcione. The ethical dimension of the curriculum: what do we learn from the old people?. Debates em Educação, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 32, p. 95–127, 2021. DOI: 10.28998/2175-6600.2021v13n32p95-127. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.




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