Specialized Educational Assistance in daycare centers and preschools

analysis of guiding documents in the practice of a special education teacher





Early Childhood Education, Special education, Specialized Educational Service


This article aims to analyze a document made available by the Department of Education of Maceió - Semed/Maceió that guides the practice of Special Education teachers in the municipality and, therefore, has guided the practice of Special Education teachers in Early Childhood Education at the Early Childhood Education Center of Maceió. This is an excerpt from the master's research external to the reflection on the pedagogical practice of a Special Education teacher in an Early Childhood Education institution belonging to the municipal education network of Maceió/Alagoas. Based on the Document Analysis of qualitative research, it analyzes the information contained in the documents used by the municipal education network of Maceió/Alagoas to the north, the Specialized Educational Assistance offered in daycare centers and preschools descends from a speech given by the Special Education teacher participating in the research. master's degree. The results reveal the predominance of a clinical view of disability, a Specialized Educational Assistance that does not consider the individualities of each stage of teaching and that disregards the child as the protagonist and builder of culture. The results reveal the predominance of a clinical view of disability, a Specialized Educational Assistance that does not consider the individualities of each stage of education and disregards the child as the protagonist and builder of culture. The lack of specific guidelines for babies and children who are the target audience of Special Education in the guiding document contributes to a practice of Specialized Educational Assistance that is replicated from that used in Elementary Education, which does not engage with current conceptions of child and childhood.


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Author Biographies

Eleusa Maria Passos Tenório, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

She has two degrees, first graduating in Law from the Federal University of Alagoas (1992), and then in English Literature from Centro Universitário Cesmac (2000). It also has two Lato sensu Specializations, one being a Specialization in Special Education - Teacher Training for Specialized Educational Assistance from the Federal University of Ceará, and another Specialization in Psychopedagogy from the Centro Universitário Cesmac. She was a Special Education Teacher - Resource Room, at the Municipal Department of Education of Maceió, between 2009 and 2017. She is a teacher at the Escola Estadual Professora Miran Marroquim de Quintella Cavalcante, currently holding the position of Pedagogical Coordinator. He also works in a Psychopedagogy Office, providing: psychopedagogical service; specialized educational service; counseling for parents; and psychopedagogical guidance in schools. He is currently a master's student in education at the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Alagoas, in the line of research on Special Education and Inclusion of People with Disabilities or Psychological Suffering, under the guidance of Professor Dr. Elisangela Leal de Oliveira Market. Integrates the Education and Diversity Study Center (NEEDI), at UFAL

Elisangela Leal de Oliveira Mercado, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

Pedagoga, especialista em Psicopedagogia, Mestre em Letras e Linguística, Doutoranda em Educação Especial. Atua como professora no Centro de Educação, no setor de politica e gestão educacional, com as disciplinas de estágio supervisionado, PPP e organização e gestão escolar.


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How to Cite

TENÓRIO, Eleusa Maria Passos; MERCADO, Elisangela Leal de Oliveira. Specialized Educational Assistance in daycare centers and preschools: analysis of guiding documents in the practice of a special education teacher. Debates em Educação, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 38, p. e17600, 2024. DOI: 10.28998/2175-6600.2024v16n38pe17600. Disponível em: https://seer.ufal.br/index.php/debateseducacao/article/view/17600. Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.




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