O Núcleo de Estudos de Cultura e Língua de Herança: uma ponte entre pesquisas e comunidades
Cultura de herançaAbstract
The aim of this paper is to present the process of creating the NuCLiH (Center for Studies in Heritage Language and Culture), as well as the actions taken, the results achieved, and the perspectives for future work. Initially, the objectives of NuCLiH and its characteristics regarding the heterogeneous and multilingual composition of its members are presented. Then, an overview of the group's productions is provided, primarily based on the theoretical framework addressed by Azevedo and Ortale (2019), Ortale and Salvatto (2022), Laurindo Fornasier, Landucci Ortale, and Rocha da Cunha (2022). Finally, the social impacts of the center, the work perspectives, and its possible contributions not only to the academic field of studies on heritage languages and cultures but also to initiatives in favor of communities of descendants of immigrants or refugees in the Brazilian context are discussed. It is concluded that the studies developed contribute to the dissemination of heritage languages and cultures of the communities involved.
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