Aspectos culturais na tradução francesa de “Linda, uma história horrível” de Caio Fernando Abreu por Claire Cayron
tradução, regionalismo, cultura, caio fernando abreuAbstract
Abstract: With this article, the aim is to conduct a translation critique of the short story 'Linda, uma História Horrível' by Caio Fernando Abreu, translated into French by Claire Cayron, using the methodology proposed by Antoine Berman to assess translation choices. Specific passages of the story are highlighted, such as the use of the term 'saudade,' the translation of slang and proverbs, and the transformation of the anthroponym 'Linda' to 'Belle,' as well as the absence of footnotes in the French translation. The article concludes by emphasizing the inevitability of losses but encourages the identification and minimization of Berman's distorting tendencies to improve the quality of translations. To achieve this, the research relies on the theoretical contributions of Antoine Berman, David Katan, and Paulo Ronái.
Keywords: Translation. Caio Fernando Abreu. Critique of translation. Regionalism. Cultural translation.