The schoolarization of childhood

the indelible contribution of the initial training of educators in Portugal


  • Elisabete Xavier Gomes Escola Superior de Educadores da Infância Maria Ulrich (Lisboa)
  • Ana Teresa Brito Centro de Investigação em Educação-CIE, do ISPA-Instituto Universitário



Early Childhood Education., Teachers’ education, Higher education


In Portugal, the initial training model for early childhood educators limits the margins of curricular autonomy of higher education institutions through the imposition, by decree-law, of a matrix organized into training components and disciplinary areas with uniform presence and weighting. In this article, we present the results of an analysis of the study plans, defined, and published in the official Journal of the Republic by each of the 29 institutions that currently provide initial training, in order to characterize the tensions between schooling and childhood education, namely by the presence or absence of curricular spaces dedicated to crèche and kindergarten, to the study of education and childhood and to the construction of inter and transdisciplinary learning.


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How to Cite

GOMES, Elisabete Xavier; BRITO, Ana Teresa. The schoolarization of childhood: the indelible contribution of the initial training of educators in Portugal. Debates em Educação, [S. l.], v. 14, n. Esp, p. 190–216, 2022. DOI: 10.28998/2175-6600.2022v14nEspp190-216. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.



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