Realidade, experiência e discurso: repensando a noção sociossemiótica de contexto à luz de uma perspectiva vygotskiana
Systemic Functional Linguistics, Context, Vygotsky, Experience, PerezhivanieAbstract
The main objective of this paper is to discuss the notion of context advocated by Systemic Functional Linguistics and, due to its problems, to propose a sketch of another interpretation of this phenomenon: the trinitary model of context. This conception is founded in a dialogue between Vygotsky’s reflection about experience as the main axis of our psychological life and the socio-semiotic linguistic doctrine regarding the context factors (HALLIDAY, 1994). Aiming this goal, after the general presentation of the theoretical foundation of Systemic Functional Linguistics, the definition of context spoused by this school of thought will be discussed. Afterwards, we will expose the main problems and contradictions of the objectivist and supervenient view of context endorsed by Systemic Functional Linguistics. Finally, based on Vygotsky’s reflection about the notion of experience (perezhivanie) (VYGOTSKY, 1994), the trinitary model of context, seen as a more coherent way of understanding the extralinguistic elements of language, will be promoted.
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