The family that exists inside the contemporary teenagers's imagination
complex experiences and coexistences in the educational institution
Family and Educational Institutions, Imaginary, Teenagers, Epistemology of Complexity, PhenomenographyAbstract
The purpose of this article is to identify, describe, interpret, understand and document different family configurations existing in the imaginary of contemporary teenagers, based on interviews with students enrolled in high schools located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, part of the doctoral dissertation by the title “The family that exists inside the contemporary teenagers’ imaginary: complex experiences and coexistences at educational institutions”. This research is of a qualitative descriptive nature, based on Epistemology of Complexity, proposed by Edgar Morin and tries to answer the question: what are the different family configurations that exist in the imaginary of teenagers enrolled in high schools as perceived and identified in the daily practices of educational institutions? Phenomenography is the research strategy used for mapping and handling data obtained from teenager’s statements, which
show that educational institutions prioritize conjugal families and they expect to find them in relationships established in their daily life and do not demonstrate, at first, belief in the existence of different families.
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