Ways of learning and teaching during the pandemic period
between challenges and learning
Pandemic, Eucation, Rurality, Challenges, LearningAbstract
The aim is to discuss the teaching strategies developed by teachers and made available to students in schools in rural communities, in the context of learning to teach in times of pandemic in rural communities, in the municipality of Alagoinhas, B.A. The data collected is part of the 2020/2021 period with teachers who taught classes in rural communities, remotely. Data collection was carried out through interviews with a focus group made up of seven public education professionals from the municipality. As a theoretical basis for construction, we used: Isabel Solé (1998), Fernando Calderón and Manuel Castells (2021), Pereira (2008/2021), Santos (2010) and Freire (2002), among others. When analyzing the data, it is observed that the teachers collaborating in the research always demonstrated their effort and willpower in learning to teach with the new challenges imposed by the pandemic, involved with the entire situation and concern for the children and the learning process.
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