Vol. 4 No. 5 (2021): A contribuição do PET para a formação do/a graduando/a

					View Vol. 4 No. 5 (2021): A contribuição do PET para a formação do/a graduando/a
Knowing the relevance of PET in the personal, professional and civic education of its members, and also understanding the importance of disseminating the experiences lived in PET Groups throughout Brazil that can be replicated in other institutions, Revista Areia, PET magazine Letters from UFAL, presents this special issue, which brings together articles (based on individual or group research by the author(s)) and experience reports (results from both collective, extension or event projects), produced by graduates of the PET-Letras Groups and other PET Groups (PET Conexões de Saberes, for example) linked to Language courses in the country.
Published: 2021-11-15


Relatos de Experiência