Dentro da noite, de João do Rio: crime e medo na metrópole moderna
Literatura brasileira, Decadentismo, Romances de sensação, ContosAbstract
This article aims to analyze the short story "Dentro da noite" by João do Rio (1881-1921), considering the relationships established between the narrative and crime fiction, popular in the period 1870-1920, as well as with the decadentist aesthetic, a marked influence on the literature of the Rio de Janeiro writer. Based on Miguel-Pereira (1973), Mendes (2017), Barbosa (2010), El Far (2004), Kalifa (2019), Porto (2009), among others, we promote a dialogue between the professionalization of writers and the consolidation of the press, the relationship between intellectuals and sensation novels, books that were highly sought after by readers in the period in question, and the rise of popular sensationalism, in which crime became the main protagonist. In our reading, in the short story "Dentro da noite", João do Rio employs elements of crime fiction and sensation novels, such as a criminal, the crime and the atmosphere of fear, while at the same time, influenced by Decadentism, he undertakes a psychological analysis of the characters in order to understand the reasons for the boy's change in behavior. In doing so, the writer detaches his image from the crime narratives popular in the period, while at the same time employing elements characteristic of these in order to achieve greater sales.
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