Paulo Freire in today's EPJA and the new times
Epja, Transformation, PoliciesAbstract
This article aims to explore the current relevance thinking of Paulo Freire from three perspectives: 1- the Latin American reality with an impact on the Youth and Adult Education-Epja in territorial contexts of structural inequalities and lack of educational opportunities for youth and adults; 2- the Freirean legacy enriches the pedagogical culture of education in general and of the Epja in particular and supports the new emerging epistemologies of Epja in a transformative perspective; 3- promotes motivating energy through critical reflections and proposals on the education policies of youth and adult with a sense of new humanity, human dignity, integrality and social justice. The world of which Freire speaks is not only long, but also wide and tremendously unequal and unjust. Paulo Freire lives in Latin America and the Caribbean and has a permanent relevance in the minds and spirits of those who know his educational thought, of those who dare to apply it with creation and invention. The three thematic axes of this article make explicit the inspiring, inquiring, driving and multiplying validity of Paulo Freire's thinking on transformative Epja and the challenging historical task of its construction.
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