Socio-environmental attitudes in early childhood education

a study in the CMEI in the municipal network of Recife-PE




Socio-environmental education, Early Childhood Education, Sustainable Attitudes


This work brings results of an investigation on the didactic-pedagogical strategies carried out in a CMEI of the municipal network of Recife, aiming to understand the difficulties and possibilities of working with critical Environmental Education in an attitudinal perspective, breaking away from naturalistic approaches. It is considered the need for innovative socio-environmental educational practices, inserted since childhood, based on transforming and emancipatory socio-environmental issues, addressed in a transdisciplinary dimension, aimed at the citizen formation of sustainable attitudes. In this sense, the question is: what are the difficulties and possibilities of working with Environmental Education from an attitudinal perspective in the context of Early Childhood Education? This is a case study, qualitative in nature, investigated through observations, semi-structured interviews and documental analysis. Data triangulation is used to analyze the results, establishing a critical dialogue with the theoretical basis mentioned at the beginning of this work. The results pointed to a rethinking of the didactic-pedagogical practices of Environmental Education in Early Childhood Education, in the sense of critically reflecting, seeking to achieve an effective break with the conservative bases that guide the practices of socio-environmental education in that context.


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Gilvaneide Ferreira de; SILVA, Renata Carvalho da. Socio-environmental attitudes in early childhood education: a study in the CMEI in the municipal network of Recife-PE. Debates em Educação, [S. l.], v. 13, n. Esp, p. 406–422, 2021. DOI: 10.28998/2175-6600.2021v13nEspp406-422. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.



Dossiê: Formação de Professores e Práticas Pedagógicas: estratégias, inclusão e superações

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