portuguese teaching as an additional language in Guinea-Bissau: a view from reading and writing activities
Guinea-Bissau. Portuguese as an additional language. Reading and writing, TextbooksAbstract
The choice of portuguese as the official language and, consequently, the language of work and schooling became one of the most discussed subject in guinean context, because it is not the daily language and, much less, the mother tongue of the majority of students who arrive to school, which means that it is just a language that students learn by addition, that is, an additional language for many Guinean students. In this sense, it is expected that both the teachers' practices, as well as the textbooks, bring activities that lead the student to develop not only linguistic competence, but also communicative competence. It is in this sense that, in this discussion, we seek to analyze the teaching of Portuguese as an additional language based on the reading and writing activities of the didactic materials Histórias dos avós (Grandparents’ stories) of Guinean schools. For this, we carried out a documentary research, with a qualitative approach, seeking to base the discussions on the writings of XXXXXXX (2021) Leffa and Irala (2014) and Antunes (2003). From the analysis of the reading and writing activities of the teaching materials, we realized that the teaching of Portuguese as an additional language in the Guinean context is still based on the traditional and mechanistic perspective, not providing, to the Guinean student, the activities that allow them to develop the linguistic as well as communicative competence.
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