Verdade através da ficção na poética digital de E-imigrações
fictional truth, ficcion, digital literatureAbstract
The concepts of truth and fiction, or reality and invention, or even the use of poetic freedom to describe events, are discussions that have permeated literature since before its emergence as such. In this article, we seek to analyze the digital literary work E-imigrações, under the concepts of truth through fiction, by Davies (2016), combined with what is fictional within a work, by Iser (2002). Unlike what is commonly done with digital works, in which we seek to understand differences in structure or functioning, the analysis here is carried out in the field of the essence of the text and the meanings produced using fiction. When making use of theoretical tools, their application reveals that despite the multiple structural possibilities, the works produced for reading on the computer also provide material that mixes reality, fiction and imagination.
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