The perceptions of the undergraduates about the teacher education degree in countryside education
Teacher Education, Countryside education, ScienceAbstract
This text aims to understand how the undergraduates in the penultimate semester of the degree in countryside education of a Federal Institution of Higher Education perceive their formation. We start from the question: What is the education of teachers of rural education? The answer will be obtained through qualitative research with a phenomenological approach (BICUDO; KLÜBER, 2013). The analysis of the written and transcribed discourses of the collaborating research subjects was carried out through the Discursive Textual Analysis (MORAES; GALIAZZI, 2007). The results show us that undergraduates realize their condition as the oppressed, as well as perceive a recovery of their cultural capital, through the valorization and recovering of their identity, which strengthens them in the creation of actions in the peasant universe. However, the relationship with scientific knowledge is still fragile, showing traces of an education that is not yet fully dialogical and liberating.
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