Teachers' reflective narratives about training and performance in inclusive education
Reflexive narratives, Special education, Municipal SchoolAbstract
The construction of a democratic and inclusive society will be possible when teachers and students commit themselves to meeting the diversity that constitutes it. This study has inclusive education as its thematic axis. It aims to analyze the role of teachers who work in Special Education in the municipal network of Maceió in the teaching and learning processes, forms of integration, inclusion and communication evidenced in the record of their reflective narratives. The central idea arises as part of a movement in the research group Integrative and Innovative Learning Practice – PAII, and the need to record the voices of teachers and, subsequently, interviewees who work in special education. Regarding the methodology adopted, it is based on Qualitative Research. The research took place with 7 (seven) teachers from municipal schools in the city of Maceió - AL. Structured interviews were used as instruments through an electronic form, and, then, records of the interviewees' narratives in the researchers' individual portfolios. The data analysis was based on the publications of researchers in the area of Professional Reflective Narratives and Special Education. The results show that, despite the limitations in initial training, special education teachers demonstrate commitment and resilience. Continuing education, the mastery of inclusive legislation and effective public policies are pointed out as essential for the improvement of pedagogical practices and for the effectiveness of truly inclusive teaching. However, insufficient resources and lack of institutional support remain significant barriers to advancing inclusive education.
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