A tirinha no livro didático e suas perspectivas interpretativas: sentido(s) da palavra democracia
Semântica do Acontecimento. Livro didático. Tira.Abstract
It is known that the textbook is a tool that assumes significant importance in promoting the skills advocated by Brazilian normative documents, contributing indispensably to the student's development. For this reason, we decided to analyze this didactic instrument and raised the following question: do the exercises related to the comic strips in the Portuguese Language textbook provide guidance for interpretations of the text's meaning(s)? To answer this question, we theoretically position ourselves within the Semantics of the Event, as proposed by Eduardo Guimarães (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2018), which considers enunciation as the place where studies of meanings should be situated, regarding it as a historical and political practice. As a methodology for analysis, we employ certain concepts specific to the theory used, such as probing, enunciative scene, rewriting, articulation, and, in this direction, this research aimed primarily to analyze the construction of exercises presented in textbooks related to comic strips; to analyze the semantic functioning of the word 'democracy' in order to verify if these activities encompass work with meanings in multisemiotic texts. The results indicated that the composition of the exercise establishes a relationship between the Textbook, the teacher, and the student, in which interpretation is subjected to pre-established meanings by the material itself.
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