Interlocutions between a research group at university and the bilingual public school: an inventory of research on basic education
School. Public Bilingual Education., University., Research Group., Teacher training.Abstract
We socialized an investigation about dialogues between universities and bilingual public schools, mediated by the research group Plurilingualism in Education, based on an inventory of scientific research in partnership between the municipal department of Education and the university. The aim of this study is to characterize the scientific productions developed with bilingual public schools, analyzing how the research group establishes dialogues with Basic Education. The methodological path, with a qualitative approach, is characterized by bibliographic analysis, in which nine researches were mapped, including articles, dissertations and theses defended and in progress, between the years 2019 and 2024, which present themes related to socio-historical constructions the implementation of bilingual schools in Blumenau - SC. The data reveal language practices, in order to build spaces of relationship that consider the community in linguistic development. In line with studies by the research group, the research denotes the CLIL methodology (Integrated Content and Language Learning), with a view to developing plurilingual and pluricultural skills in the investigated context. The conclusions point to the challenge of (re)thinking training paths, based on the production of research with teachers working in these bilingual public schools, to make visible the materiality of training experiences.
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