Dialogue between University and School
contributions of an educational product to pedagogical practice in Environmental Education
Environmental Education, Complexity, Transdisciplinarity, Early Years of Elementary School, Educational ProductAbstract
The discussion about the importance of the relationship between research and Basic Education is present in important debates about the quality of education with particular regard to teacher training and practice. By expanding the connection between the academic world and the school, this study enabled the development and validation of an Educational Product (PE) in Environmental Education (EA). The dissertation that gave rise to the PE sought to answer the question: how to adopt a critical perspective of EA with students in the initial years of Basic Education? The qualitative approach research aimed to develop and evaluate educational material in EA from the perspective of Complexity based on dialogue with the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. The results revealed that the material offers the possibility of transdisciplinary work with EE enriched by the contributions of Piaget and Vygotsky to adapt it to the characteristics of children in the Early Years of Elementary School.
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