The choice of the chemistry textbook in the light of the theory of subjectivity




Chemistry Textbook, Subjectivity theory, Content analysis


This research analyzes the assumptions that influenced the selection of the Chemistry Textbook (CT) in light of the theory of subjectivity by Chemistry teachers from six public schools, being the senses, subjective configurations, the subject, and the individual and collective subjectivity tools to identify the influences of the CT selection. Through a qualitative approach, content analysis was used to qualify the data. The results show that the process of choosing the CT is complex and presents nuances that vary from teacher to teacher, but they point towards a common goal: selecting the best CT to meet the main objective of their pedagogical practice: the learning of chemical contents by students.


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How to Cite

ARAUJO, Rafael Silva de; LEITE, Bruno Silva. The choice of the chemistry textbook in the light of the theory of subjectivity. Debates em Educação, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 38, p. e15843, 2024. DOI: 10.28998/2175-6600.2024v16n38pe15843. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 oct. 2024.




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