The understanding of pedagogy undergraduates about the relationship between plagiarism and artificial intelligence for writing academic texts
Plagiarism, Cyberplagiarism., Artificial Intelligence, Higher EducationAbstract
The article critically analyzes the understanding of Pedagogy students about the interrelationship between plagiarism and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the production of written texts. The article addresses conceptual aspects of plagiarism, cyberplagiarism and AI for text production. Content Analysis (BARDIN, 1977) was used as a methodology. The data was generated during the first semester of 2021, which was before ChatGPT was launched in 2023. Pedagogy students from the face-to-face and distance learning modalities at the University of Brasília (UnB) took part in the research, with 108 answering the questionnaire and 16 being interviewed. As a result of the questionnaire, 53.7% of the students admitted that they would use an AI tool to create, organize and write dissertations; in the interview, 8 of the 16 interviewees said that they would use it; the students show a limited conception of plagiarism in relation to norms and referencing and, when presented with specific situations in which there is a need to judge whether or not plagiarism has occurred associated with the use of AI in the writing of academic texts, the majority are unable to identify plagiarism. The students were concerned about questions of authorship when using AI to write texts. In view of the growing trend towards the use of AI for writing texts, it is important to provide academics with a space for questioning, training and learning about the meaning and use of this technology, fostering the development of authorship, the ethical use of AI and an understanding of situations involving plagiarism.
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