Enactionism, ecology and a path to the emancipation and decolonization of school artistic practices
Art and education, Creation of knowledge, Social emancipationAbstract
From the perspective that emancipation processes begin with the understanding that perceiving is acting, this text proposes to reflect on how artistic practices in schools on the periphery of capitalism can also constitute emancipatory action. This is done here in the form of an essay using a bibliographic review methodology and a phenomenological approach, which recalls situations experienced in the classroom and relates them to concepts from the bibliography studied. It starts from perspectives of the ecology of mind and the enactionist approach to cognition to describe relationships with decolonial and anti-Cartesian thought. The first section emphasizes and articulates concepts of perception, action and social emancipation, seeking to bring together epistemological aspects (such as the concepts of learning and perception) and political aspects (such as: domination and control). The second part hopes to locate in some artistic practices the emancipatory possibilities in the face of oppression typical of schools and education on the periphery of capitalism. Finally, a third stage thinks about the limits and scope of these practices, with a view to strengthening the processes of social emancipation in the context addressed.
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