Semântica nossa de cada dia estudo teórico-prático de expressões idiomáticas da língua portuguesa no Ensino Fundamental
Semântica, Expressões Idiomáticas da Língua Portuguesa, Livro DidáticoAbstract
The article addresses the use of idioms (IE) in Portuguese in Elementary School, 8th grade, from a semantic perspective. Thus, we sought to verify texts published on social networks that presented EI; select different text types and genres with EI; to confront the semantic phenomena present in the selected EI and their relationship with the content of the textbook (LD); and critically analyze the texts with EI. The research corpus came from the LD “Weaving languages: Portuguese language, 8th grade”, by Oliveira and Araújo (2018), adopted in public schools located in the Tocantina Region of Maranhão, in addition to circulating posts on social networks. In this bias, a research with a qualitative and documental approach was carried out. The authors who base the study are, among others, Xatara (1998), Biderman (2001), Ilari (2011) and Ferrarezi Jr. (2019). With the results, it was found, in the LD, literary texts that contain EI; however, no mention is made of them, either as content in the textbook or in terms of their use in texts arranged in the analyzed work. There was also the use of EI in various posts circulating on social networks. And, when confronting the texts published on the web with the content of the LD, it was concluded that the EIs in the selected LD are not sufficiently explored.
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